Editing Info in LREI Connect

Editing your user profile information in LREI Connect

Once logged in to LREI Connect, on the top right of your screen you will see your name with a drop down arrow. Click on the arrow and go to the Profile section. In your profile page, review all the information to make sure it is accurate.

You can edit any field that has a Pencil icon.

In a section titled General Information, click on the Edit button underneath and fill in the information regarding caregivers (if someone other than yourself) and who else may pick up your child from school or afterschool.

In the section titled Emergency contacts, Click on the manage phones and manage emails buttons to move names from the Not in use list to the Active list. Emergency contacts are separated into Phone and Email. You must add a contact to each separately, even if it is the same person. To add a new emergency contact, select manage phones (or emails), and then Create a new phone number (or email). You may then populate the relevant fields and scroll to the bottom of the window, where you will find the Add Entry button. You can also sort the order in which you would like to have those folks contacted. Emergency Contacts added in Connect are considered an emergency contact for the parent or guardian, not the student. For the process on adding emergency contacts for the student see the section below (Titled Connecting to Magnus Health)

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